TIS is conducting a survey of which College Affordability Index is constructed. The results can be tracked using the following link. Please click here
Encourage All Parents in Indonesia to Participate in the following CAI Index. Please click the following link to participate in this important survey
Survey Results Can Be Accessed Here (HASIL SURVEY DAPAT DILIHAT DISINI)
- The survey results show that it is impossible for most families in Indonesia, from the middle to lower income groups, to be able to send their children to private universities without obtaining 100% scholarship support. The second possibility is for people from the lower middle class to continue their studies at tertiary institutions, if their children are accepted at state universities [Hasil Survey menunjukkan kemustahilan bagi kebanyakkan keluarga di Indonesia, dari group pendapatan menengah ke bawah untuk mampu menyekolahkan buah hati ke PTS tanpa memperoleh dukungan beasiswa 100%. Kemungkinan ke-dua bagi masyarakat golongan menengah kebawah untuk melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi, jika buah hati diterima di perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN)].
- More than 90% of respondents stated that they would take part in the TIS FREE College program, not only because it was free, but for quality reasons. TIS provides programs that prepare students throughout Indonesia to attend school free of charge, taught by expatriates, with English as the medium of instruction. Therefore, TIS prepares students to be proficient in English and Mandarin — without having to pay a penny (Di atas 90% responden menyatakan akan mengikuti program TIS FREE College, tidak saja karena gratis, namun karena alasan kualitas. TIS menyediakan program yang mempersiapkan siswa/i diseluruh Indonesia untuk bersekolah tanpa berbayar, yang diajarkan oleh para expatriat, dengan bahasa pengantar bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, TIS mempersiapkan siswa/i untuk mahir berbahasa Inggris dan Mandarain–tanpa harus membayar).
- TIS prepares students to study abroad with the ability to compete for scholarships (TIS mempersiapkan siswa/i untuk bersekolah ke luar negeri dengan kemmapuan bersaing untuk memperoleh beasiswa).
- TIS prepares students to enter the GLOBAL labor market, especially in STEM fields, who are able to find jobs in the health sector. See the screenshots below taken the first and second week of January 2023 (TIS mempersiapkan siswa/i untuk memasuki pasar tenaga kerja GLOBAL, terutama dalam bidang STEM, yang mampu mencari pekerjaan dalam bidang kesehatan. Lihat tangkapan layar di bawah yang diambil minggu pertama dan ke-dua bulan January 2023).