Humbly started with only ten students from two schools (Kemurnan 2, Jakarta and Santa. Lusia in Bekasi), now that around 200-225 students are participated-in and have regularly attended programs. Others, who have not, please do so as soon-as-possible. The reasons are simple (1). has excellent quality of instructions; (2). All English and Math classes instructions are delivered by the international tutors; (3). It is free.
Students all over Indonesia have benefitted from TIS excellent programs. They join virtually from as far as Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Riau, Pangkal-pinang (Bangka), Jambi, Batam, Tanjung-pinang-Kepri. Majority of them come from Bekasi, Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Cileungsi, Ciputat and many other cities, surrounding Jakarta.
Soon students from many cities in the US will take part as well.